Error: Unable to create cascade configuration
I've had a rubbish couple of days trying to configure a number of HP Console switches. Despite them all working on their own, I couldn't get one of them - a new HP IP Console switch (model AF601A) to work as part of the cascade. None of the suggested diagnostic steps helped (including updating all the firmware versions!)
I checked the documentation, and the HP websites - all of which confirmed that these switches should work in a cascade configuration, allowing management of up to 4096 servers (e.g. see here).
But don't believe it. After two days work, I uncovered one line, on one webpage (this one) saying:
- HP IP Console Switches are only supported at the top tier of a cascaded configuration.
Happily I was able to juggle the switches with others in our server room, and now have a working configuration - but be warned!
nice post about kvm switches kvm is a hardware device that allows a user to control multiple computers from one or more keyboards, video monitor and mouse.
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